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Gene therapy at Duke saves NC dad's failing vision
Gene therapy at Duke saves NC dad's failing vision
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Gene therapy at Duke saves NC dad's failing vision

The Way She Sings The GOSPEL Will Give You Shivers.
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The Way She Sings The GOSPEL Will Give You Shivers.

A Note From God
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A Note From God

A Letter From God
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A Letter From God

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Samson used foxes to set fire to grain and olive orchards?


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In Judges 15:4-5

Samson attempted reconciliation with his wife by offering her family a goat. The wife’s father would not let Samson see her. In a fit of prideful anger, Samson caught three hundred foxes, bound them in pairs by the tails, and set fire to the tails. The foxes went berserk in their agony and confusion, spreading fire to the Philistine crops. 



With over 66 books of Scripture covering thousands of years of history, the Bible mentions hundreds of people in great detail (heroes Abraham, David, Paul, for example) and gives others just a passing mention. This Section of Hope Likes will shares the stories of some of the more obscure Bible characters.



King Josiah started his reign at eight years old and proved to be one of the greatest kings to ever rule God’s people. The Bible describes him as a righteous king, a king who "walked in all the way of David his father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left" (2 Kings 22:22 Chronicles 34:2). 

The key part of his story is found in 2 Kings 22. The high priest found the Book of the Law which had been neglected for years. The high priest gave it to his secretary who read it for King Josiah. King Josiah tore his clothes and pled with the Lord to not punish Israel for their disobedience to His Word.


Josiah then read the Book of the Law publicly and made a covenant with the Lord along to obey Him with all of his heart and soul (2 Kings 23:3).

According to the Bible, King Josiah then changed his form of leadership entirely, entering into a new form of covenant with the Lord. He wiped out all of the pagan cults that had formed within his land. He, along with his people, then entered into this new covenant with the Lord to keep the commandments of the Lord.



Mountain Lake


Our testimony is a measurement of our faith. Faith is testimony. Testimony is a powerful tool in sharing what God has done and is continuing to do in our lives. Each Month we will feature different testimonies from people who experienced  God's Glory and Miracles to uplift and encourage others. 

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